大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于烹饪饭菜英语 食材有哪些的问题,于是小编就整理了3个相关介绍烹饪饭菜英语 食材有哪些的解答,让我们一起看看吧。
On sunday,I was very happy ,so I decided to make a lunch for my parents.
Frist I cooked the rice.Second I cooked food Icooked vagetables and meat looking at them Iwas very pround I think my parents was proud of me.
I asked my parents to eat them when Iopen the pot.Oh!My god!The rice couldn't be eat.Because I didn't cook it well. I was very disoppointed although my father and my mother told me that they were very h***y.
So we needed to eat noodles for lunch.I didn't like eating noodles at all.But today it wasdelicous.Oh!very good!give a ***ile to myself.
可数:***les苹果 bananas香蕉 strawberries草莓 cakes蛋糕 watermelons西瓜oranges橘子 pears梨 tomatoes西红柿 potatoes土豆 eggs鸡蛋 carrots胡萝卜 lemons柠檬 grapes葡萄 peaches桃子 mangoes芒果 kiwis奇异果 starfruits杨桃 honeydew-melons蜜瓜 cherries樱桃date枣 子
不可数:bread面包 chicken鸡肉 beef牛肉 fish鱼肉 turkey火鸡 duck鸭 pork猪肉ham火腿 bacon咸肉 sausage香肠 ice cream雪糕 soup汤 rice米 salt盐 sugar白糖
ice cream 冰淇凌
ice lolly 冰棒
食物很多的,比如 meatball肉丸子 lobster龙虾 steak牛排 lamb羊肉(山羊) mutton羊肉(绵羊) bacon培根(一种烤肉) omelet鸡蛋卷 spaghetti意大利面(一种) cornflakes玉米片 pancake薄饼 cereal麦片(谷类)jelly果子冻 syrup糖浆,巧克力浆 c***iar 鱼子酱 pudding布丁 salad沙拉 dumpling饺子 hot pot火锅dried fish咸鱼 porridge稀饭 bean curd豆腐
饮料也有很多,就举几个,各种各样的juice就不说了,hot chocolate热巧克力 milkshake奶昔 green tea绿茶 black tea红茶 herb tea药草茶 milk tea奶茶 gin杜松子酒 sherry雪莉酒 vodka伏特加 vermouth苦艾酒 perry梨子酒
到此,以上就是小编对于烹饪饭菜英语 食材有哪些的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于烹饪饭菜英语 食材有哪些的3点解答对大家有用。